This is based on conflict wars in Africa read in the New York Times in 1995
Labyrnth of Chaos
Denise Carvalho
Carvalho’s work was chosen to be in group exhibitions at Anita Shapolsky Gallery, known for discovering major Abstract American artists. In 2019, Carvalho’s paintings were exhibited as a public projection at the Oculus building in the World Trade Center, as well as a public projection on 51 East 56th St organized and curated by Artsy with MvVO Art AD Art Show 2019. Carvalho’s paintings were featured at various cultural centers and museums, including at the Fukuyama Museum in Japan, the Museo Ricoleta in Buenos Ayres, at the Cite Universitaire in Paris, at the Kentler Institute and at the Artists Space in NY, and at the Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea in Florence in 2001.Year Participated in Art Vancouver
No data available.Size
64 × 56 in (62.6 × 142.2 cm)Weight (Lbs.)