In 2015, Laura formed the photography collective Meet Me at the Lamp(p)ost (MMATLP) in Vancouver with collaborator Tara Mary Paget. Through place-specific street photography, MMATLP celebrates the present and promotes contentment in self and place by focusing primarily on exploring the landscape, people and architecture that make up East Vancouver. Last year MMATLP exhibited in Massy Books, Calabash Bistro and Commercial Street Café in addition to partnering with LOVE BC – Leave Out Violence British Columbia and participating in Vancouver Mural Festival, Shipyards Night Market, Art Vancouver and RAW: Natural Born Artists.

Further to MMATLP, Laura also works as a solo artist, using fragmented, sometimes unsettling images to depict society’s evasive masks and layers while simultaneously casting a stark light on the human condition.
Laura will exhibit her solo work entitled Pigeon this week at Art Vancouver. Pigeon is a series of imagery that unveils a microscopic view of the human cycle and psyche. The work looks at addiction and the perpetuation of negativity in society. It examines the human condition and questions our purpose as humans. The work ejects a feeling of self reflection that cannot be denied, exposing the very thin line that one can argue exists between the private and public self one presents.

Laura is Capture Photography Festival’s Community Engagement and Education Assistant. This year she has worked on programming across Metro Vancouver that ranged from workshops to artist talks, film screenings and gallery hops, along with youth programming such as Incubator, a new model for arts education and support in Canada developed by the Magenta Foundation.
She also recently curated the art work in 5 Blenz (The Canadian Coffee Company) locations across Downtown Vancouver including the newly renovated Blenz on Granville Street. See the work of Jake Bull, Valerie Capewell and more in Blenz Coffee Davie Street, West Hastings Street, the International Village and Yaletown.
Laura lives and works in East Vancouver and continues to draw inspiration from the mosaic neighbourhood every day. See her at Art Vancouver this year in booth 712.
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